Showing posts with label features. Show all posts
Showing posts with label features. Show all posts

Monday 1 August 2011

[Features] EVOL: underground city at ms dockville


Seniman asal Berlin, "Evol" membuat sebuah instalasi miniatur kota di sebuah pedesaan di Hamburg, Jerman. Karya tersebut dibuat dalam proyek untuk acara MS Dockville arts and music festival di bulan Agustus ini.

"as I came [to the site] first, that's what I found:
endless meadow, trees and blue sky. not exactly what I play with usually. so I decided to cut open the idyll, and pretend there is no endless meadow, but only rooftop-gardens of the disgust underneath."

Dicted by : Summerayn

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Sunday 10 July 2011

[Features] Tapeworks by Mark Khaisman


Mark Khaisman adalah seorang seniman yang menggunakannya tape sebagai pengganti kuas dan cat pada karyanya. Dengan menggunakan kaca sebagai media untuk karyanya yang unik ini.

Seniman yang lahir di Kiev ini mempelajari seni dan arsitektur di Institut Arsitektur Moskow. Sekarang Khaisman tinggal dan bekerja di Philadelphia. Karya dari seniman ini, lagi-lagi menjadi bukti bahwa tak ada batas dalam membuat sebuah karya. Karyanya berjudul Chair terjual dengan harga $40.700.

Why tape?
It allows for images that can be created only this way.
There are some qualities of tape that make it unique as an art material: its banality, humbleness and “throwaway” nature; it’s default settings of color and width limiting my freedom; its unforgiving translucency – no mistakes can be hidden; the cold and impersonal attitude that tape surface suggests; indifference to the subject - all images rendered in tape are equal.

Is it still a form of conceptual art?
The tape is the message. A parody on Marshall McLuhan’s famous quote could explain the superficial motives, which make up the work. Once the implausible nature of my work is accepted, one can begin to think about the meaning. The latest is born as the result of superimposing the material and images chosen to be portrayed.
I consciously select the iconic images and work them down to maximum reduction, asking the viewer to recognize and complete the work, stimulating both memory and interpretation in the process.

How exactly did you go from being an architect to ‘painting’ with tape? What do the two things have in common? 
I was never able to be a real building architect. I was always trying to break through, extend boundaries, and work on the borders, so I was naturally falling out of architecture. I think painting with tape relates to architecture in a very strange way, a love - hate relationship. From one side, my images are constructed and calculated. From another side, my medium is all about deconstruction, anti-construction. My images all imply a fragile, temporary presence, unlike the grandeur architecture aspires to. Breaking the image into.... pixels, layers, converting matter into a visual illusion, this 'anti-matter' approach to the image, is central to my work. Most of my images only exist under certain conditions, like light, and may disappear at any moment.

Credits : Mark Khaisman

Dicted by : Mrbaldson
"Just Do What I Wanna Do!

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Monday 20 June 2011

[Features] 'Psychospa' by Sonia & Mark Whitesnow


Mark dan Sonya Whitesnow adalah photographers yang berasal dari Kirov. Karena kreatifitas mereka menggunakan teknis yang luar biasa dalam fotografi, mereka menjadi pemenang dari Hasselblad Masters semifinalist 2010.

'Psychospa' merupakan salah satu dari karya mereka yang menceritakan tentang kehidupan manusia modern di kota metropolitan, yang  penuh ketakutan dan kecemasan, tetapi memiliki ketertarikan dengan alam.

Ironic world of Psychospa, the world which reflects a modern man living in a metropolis, unsociable and full of fears and anxieties but "attracted" to nature. A person, who does his best to achieve harmony of his body and soul and in so doing, wishes to stay young and healthy. Driven by a "set of procedures" such as therapeutic mud baths, volcanic minerals, plants, chocolate and honey his inner energy awakes in him. The man turns into a strong and resolute creature with a significant moment of clearing the body of "chemical and toxic waste". 
Sonia & Mark Whitesnow 

Dicted by : Summerayn
"Life Is Too Short ! So What The F!

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Sunday 19 June 2011

[Features] The Pig That Therefore I Am by Miru Kim


Miru Kim adalah seorang seniman yang berbasis di New York yang telah melakukan eksplorasi pada berbagai reruntuhan perkotaan seperti stasiun kereta bawah tanah yang sudah tidak terpakai, terowongan, saluran pembuangan, pabrik, rumah sakit, dan galangan kapal.

Dan seri terbarunya yang meneliti hubungan antara babi dan manusia, ia telah mengunjungi berbagai peternakan babi yang hampir mirip industri. Dia tampil sebagai salah satu America's Best and Brightest 2007 versi Esquire magazine.

Karyanya pun menyita banyak perhatian media internasional lainnya seperti The New York Times, TED.com,Financial Times, Arte France, Ovation TV, Time Out New York, NY Arts Magazine, The Daily Korea, LaStampa, Berlingske Tidende, VanityFair.de, Korea Herald, Vogue Girl.

Miru lahir di Stoneham, Massachusetts pada 1981 dan dibesarkan di Seoul, Korea. Dia pindah kembali ke Massachusetts pada tahun 1995 untuk menghadiri Phillips Academy di Andover, dan pindah ke New York City pada tahun 1999 untuk studi di Columbia Univesity. Pada tahun 2006, ia menerima gelar MFA di lukisan dari Pratt Institute. Apa yang telah dilakukan oleh seniman ini seolah membuktikan bahwa tidak ada batas atau hambatan untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu menjadi sebuah karya.

"Both a pig and I carry our exteriorized memories on our cutaneous garment–scars, blemishes, wrinkles, and rashes that manifest markings of time, anguish of the soul, wounds of love and war. We all live at the same time, naked and not quite naked. Underneath our exterior coverings, whether they are silk, cotton or leather, we humans carry our own skin, just as pigs do. Born with a blank canvas enveloping us, we accumulate more and more brushstrokes of memories as years pass, on our garment that cannot be literally cast off until death."
Miru Kim

"Nevertheless, at some point in our lives, we must experience the emblematic process of flaying our skin and offering it up for others to see, hear, and feel through art, music, and poetry. I put my flayed skin on display in the form of a photograph–a paper skin that is touched by light–from which emanates the aura of mingled bodies. On that hanging skin, the animal and human souls blend like water and soil, creating subtle lines and fleeting shapes of a muddy shore. "
Miru Kim

Dicted by : Mrbaldson
"Just Do What I Wanna Do!

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Tuesday 7 June 2011

[Features] "Potholes" by Davide Luciano & Claudia Ficca villian


"Potholes" merupakan konsep fotografi yang mengagumkan karya Davide Luciano dan Claudia Ficca. Pasangan suami dan istri ini mengaku mendapatkan ide tersebut dari pengalaman buruk mereka tentang lubang jalanan yang rusak. Mereka bermaksud untuk menyalurkan rasa frustrasi mereka menjadi sebuah karya yang positif.

After a sudden collision with a canyon sized crater of a pothole we decided to channel our frustration into a positive project where the useless pothole would be a source of humor and creativity.
Claudia & Davide

Our imaginative and diverse application for potholes led us on a relentless quest in search of the perfect pothole. On site we set up our props as required to build the set we desire. The entire shoot takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
Claudia & Davide

Credits: www.mypotholes.com

Dicted by : Summerayn
"Life Is Too Short ! So What The Fuck!

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